Sunday, March 22, 2015

Letter to the Island Dweller

Dearest Island Dweller,


 How are you recently? I know it seems a question more of formality than genuine interest. I assure you it is not. I am curious and I do want to know. Do not answer yet though, there is more to my question. I could not care less if you are feeling a cold coming on. I do not wish to hear about your lower back pain. I certainly am not looking to entertain a conversation on the latest outcome of "college x's" sports team.

 How ARE you recently? How do you exist? The minerals that make up your body, are they the same as mine? When you inhale to breath do you exhale the same as I? You're existence seems so distant from my own. It is as if I observe you, not just from the shore while you inhabit an island, but from a satellite moon whilst you inhabit the terra forma. What planet do you call home? If your home really is where your heart is, where is that? Can you get there from here, and will GPS take me? Should I Google your whereabouts?

 I spend a lot of time looking inward, inside the cavernous skull that houses my brain. The thought factory. I can crank out thought after thought after thought like so many batches of instant macaroni and cheese. Endlessly adding the same amount of milk and butter and stirring the same amount of that God awful yellow powder in. None of these thoughts are from my heart. Do you think from your heart Island Dweller? Can one think from the heart? Feelings are so hard to decipher. My heart speaks Francais, my brain is stuck in English. How can you follow feelings you don't understand? Have you figured out a way to understand them all? If my heart says two different things how am I to know which is the correct choice?

 I have so many more questions. Practical and impractical. Tangible and abstract. I hope to hear back from you, perhaps even soon. I know on the ever winding path that you walk, that this a trying time of change and transistion. I am at the trailhead of a winding path for myself now, and hope to keep your company through this correspondence as I wander.


  Have Canoe, Will Ramble,


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